Know the Risk and Counter a Drone Strike
Protect and secure your airspace with drone defence.
Determine threat levels in real-time to take the necessary action to counter an attack.
Drone Defence in Numbers
In the past 28 days our drone defence systems detected...
Drone Flights
Total number of drone flights detected across the UK from heliguy™ drone defence systems.
Illegal Flights
Illegal flights reaching an over 120m altitude, percentage of all detected flights.
Average Duration
Average flight duration in seconds across all detected flights.
Average Altitude
Average maximum altitude detected for each drone flight.
How is Drone Defence Used?
Protect your airspace
Drone defence is an important asset for critical infrastructure, airports, prisons, maritime and stadia, as well as for organisers of major events.
There have been numerous incidents of drones causing disruption at airports. Think Gatwick in December 2018. Drone defence protects this sensitive airspace from UAS intrusions and reduces the risk of drones colliding with manned aviation.
Drone defence can be crucial for maritime operations to protect valuable cargo, crew and passengers. Vessels are particularly vulnerable when they have limited manoeuvrability, such as when they are docked in port or passing through narrow straits or canals. Drone threats include aerial reconnaissance, breach of privacy or being deployed as a missile.
A high-profile sporting event or open-air festival are attractive targets for malicious drone operators. Unmanned aircraft can be used to capture unauthorised footage, interrupt the game, and cause damage. They also present serious hazards for players and spectators.
The 2019 attack on oil-processing facilities in Saudi Arabia showed the carnage of a drone strike on critical infrastructure - causing huge damage and having a significant impact on global financial markets. Drones can also be deployed by activists who can fly around nuclear sites, oil installations, fracking sites and other critical infrastructure to cause damage, disruption and/or publicity.
In highly-sensitive and politically-important area, drones can be used for terrorism and for spying. Ladden with bombs or other hostile payloads, drones can attack property and cause threats to life. They can also be deployed for reconnaissance missions, collecting sensitive and private information to prepare for an attack and obtain intelligence.
Drones have become a useful and fairly anonymous tool for criminals to drop illicit substances or other contraband into prison grounds. Bring drone defence into action around the prison’s parameter to counter this illegal activity. Some systems also enable you to track the location of the pilot.
Don't Cry Wolf:
No False Positives
Data integrity is crucial. Inaccurate information can hinder the creation of effective standard operating procedures and emergency response plans.
Reacting to a false alarm can also be expensive and labour intensive.
Then there’s the classic Cry Wolf™ scenario: Ignoring warnings due to the past experience of false alarms - only to suffer a drone attack when resources have not been deployed.
That’s why drone defence is key. Tools such as heat maps, real-time telemetry information and Remote ID provide a robust and trustworthy solution to reliably raise the alarm and counter a drone threat.
A catalogue of historical reports can then be compiled to use analytical learning to plan for and tackle/prevent future threats.
A layered solution is most effective for data integrity, utilising different sensors with different capabilities to identify a broader range of drones and cross-reference detection data and risk levels.
Our Drone Defence Solutions
Industry-leading Drone Defence and
C-UAS Technology
Network topology
Middle Layer Software, Real-time Alerts, SDK and UK Private Servers
heliguy™ drone defence solutions offer a versatile network topology - effective for a strategy based on DJI AeroScope alone, or utilising AeroScope as part of a layered approach.
This topology enables different server options.
DJI Aeroscope can feed into a public or private server (on-site or remote) and alert notifications via email and app can be enabled.
Alternatively, it can feed into a private server with SDK (Software Development Kit), or a middle-layer software, to enable a multi-tiered approach and enhanced alert methods, such as via dedicated apps. This is an effective solution for accessing instant and team-wide notifications of a potential drone threat.
Your Drone Defence Partner
Build Your Strategy With Lifetime Support From A Drone Defence Expert
Talk to our drone defence experts Explore DJI Aeroscope
heliguy™ is a leading drone defence provider, perfectly placed to provide consultancy, training and hardware to protect your asset.
We are DJI's exclusive global AeroScope partner, based on track record, industry experience and understanding of the system.
heliguy™ has supplied and installed drone defence solutions to major clients, such as Gatwick Airport, the MET Police and the MOD.
We've been at the forefront of industry discussions and demonstrations on drone defence, and have accreditations such as Cyber Security and ISO 9001.